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Membership Form 2024-2025 New Members

We are excited to welcome you to the Temple Sinai community!


Please note: required fields are marked with an asterisk.


Adult 1 (Account Primary)
Contact Information
Background Information
Do you have additional degrees you would like to include? Please use the dropdown below to select the number of degrees you would like to add.
Employment Information
Adult 2 (Account Secondary)
Contact Information
Background Information
Do you have additional degrees you would like to include? Please use the dropdown below to select the number of degrees you would like to add.
Employment Information

Children (who live with you)
*Please provide us with your child(ren)'s cell phone (if applicable), so our clergy can be in touch with them when necessary.
Please use the dropdown to select the number of children who live with you.
Adult Children (who don't live with you)
Please use the dropdown to select the number of adult children who don't live with you.
Special Accommodations
We want to get to know you better! We invite you to share your hobbies, interests, and passions with us so we can make your temple experience even better!
We know your inbox is probably overflowing with emails, so we want to send you temple emails that are relevant to you. Please indicate which categories are of interest to you.

PLEASE NOTE: At least one adult in your household MUST be subscribed to our Emergency and Important Information email list. Please indicate below which email address(es) should be subscribed to this list.

Membership is a relationship - a loving commitment with the Jewish people and a statement of mutual support. Membership fees and contributions provide the financial foundation for all that Temple Sinai stands for and strives for. About 50% of our operating budget is funded by membership dues. Dues amounts are proposed by the Board and voted on by the congregation.

Payments may be made:
• annually (single payment)
• semi-annually
• quarterly
• monthly (10 payments July-April)

Members are required to contribute $1800 toward the Building Fund. This fee is payable in installments over the first six years of membership ($300/year) or it can be paid in full. If you contributed towards the Building Fund at another synagogue, kindly furnish proof in the form of a letter from the synagogue, and we will waive the requirement.

Early Childhood Center, Religious School and Teen Programs require a separate application and payment.

Your membership contribution is TAX DEDUCTIBLE and NON-REFUNDABLE.

We are driven by the principle that anyone who wants to be part of our community can join, regardless of personal financial circumstances. Membership should be accessible and irresistible. If you cannot afford to pay the full dues amount, we will meet you at a level you can afford. The Dues Consideration process is simple and confidential; you only need to submit the paperwork once a year.
Our membership tiers provide you with a more personalized experience within our vibrant Jewish community, dedicated to social action, Torah learning, and meaningful relationships. Your continued commitment to Temple Sinai of Roslyn opens doors for you and your family to enjoy exciting events as part of a warm, inspiring, and welcoming community.

The actual cost of maintaining Temple Sinai's operations is approximately $6,000 per household. Committing at the LEV Champion tier enables us to cover the cost of your membership and ensures TSR's future.

Security assessments are included in all membership tiers.

Devotees of Temple Sinai who have children enrolled in Religious School, B'nei Mitzvah, or Teen Programs, from Kindergarten through 12th Grade. This is the minimum level of commitment required, as the cost of these programs are partially subsidized by Temple Sinai.

This tier was previously known as the Family Level.

PLEASE NOTE: Tuition for the Early Childhood Center, Religious School, and Teen Programs is ADDITIONAL and requires separate applications.

Our basic membership for devotees of Temple Sinai.

Those who join at the SUSTAINER tier may upgrade their tier upon request.

The tier for those who belong to another synagogue or live beyond commuting distance (60-mile radius) to Temple Sinai. but wish to remain connected to our community.

A reduced-rate membership for devotees of Temple Sinai whose years of temple membership (as the primary or secondary member), PLUS their age equals 100 or more.

Devotees of Temple Sinai whose years of temple membership (as the primary or secondary member), PLUS their age equals 100 or more, and who choose to make a single, one-time payment that qualifies them as Lifetime Members.

Devotees of Temple Sinai, whose dues cover the ACTUAL cost of their  household's engagement in the Temple Sinai community.

Devotee of Temple Sinai whose dues cover the cost of their household's engagement at Temple Sinai AND enables another household to remain as part of our community.

Devotees of Temple Sinai whose contribution secures a meaningful center of Jewish life for future generations.

* Family $3,300 ($3,200 pay-in-full discount - cash, check, ACH or e-Check only)
* Single $2,100 ($2,000 pay-in-full discount - cash, check, ACH or e-Check only)

ADVOCATE TIER benefits include:
All worship including
• High Holy Day tickets for all members of your household, including children 30 years old and younger
• Connection with the clergy (counseling)
• Adult Engagement programming

Life Cycles and Milestones 
• Plaque dedications
• Baby naming (during Shabbat services)
• Pre-wedding blessing (during Shabbat services)
* Funerals
Shiva Minyan
• Unveilings
• Weddings
• Other off-site events


* Family $2,100 ($2,000 pay-in-full discount - cash, check, ACH or e-Check only)
* Single $1,300 ($1,200 pay-in-full discount - cash, check, ACH or e-Check only)

SUSTAINER TIER benefits include:
All worship including
• High Holy Day tickets for all members of your household, including children 30 years old and younger
• Connection with the clergy (counseling)
• Adult Engagement programming

Life Cycles and Milestones (onsite only)
• Plaque dedications
• Baby naming (during Shabbat services)*
• Pre-wedding blessing (during Shabbat services)*
*If held offsite, fees may apply


* Family $2,100 ($2,000 pay-in-full discount - cash, check, ACH or e-Check only)
* Single $1,300 ($1,200 pay-in-full discount - cash, check, ACH or e-Check only)

SUPPORTER TIER includes all the SUSTAINER tier benefits:

All worship including
• High Holy Day tickets for all members of your household, including children 30 years old and younger
• Connection with the clergy (counseling)
• Adult Engagement programming

Life Cycles and Milestones (onsite only)
• Plaque dedications
• Baby naming (during Shabbat services)*
• Pre-wedding blessing (during Shabbat services)*
*If held offsite, fees may apply


* Family $2,100 ($2,000 pay-in-full discount - cash, check, ACH or e-Check only)
* Single $1,300 ($1,200 pay-in-full discount - cash, check, ACH or e-Check only)

GUARDIAN TIER includes all the ADVOCATE tier benefits:
All worship including
• High Holy Day tickets for all members of your household, including children 30 years old and younger
• Connection with the clergy (counseling)
• Adult Engagement programming

Life Cycles and Milestones 
• Plaque dedications
• Baby naming (during Shabbat services)
• Pre-wedding blessing (during Shabbat services)
* Funerals
Shiva Minyan
• Unveilings
• Weddings
• Other off-site events


A one-time payment of $36,000 - member for life.

PILLAR TIER includes all the ADVOCATE tier benefits:

All worship including
• High Holy Day tickets for all members of your household, including children 30 years old and younger
• Connection with the clergy (counseling)
• Adult Engagement programming

Life Cycles and Milestones 
• Plaque dedications
• Baby naming (during Shabbat services)
• Pre-wedding blessing (during Shabbat services)
* Funerals
Shiva Minyan
• Unveilings
• Weddings
• Other off-site events



LEV CHAMPION TIER includes all the ADVOCATE tier benefits:

All worship including
• High Holy Day tickets for all members of your household, including children 30 years old and younger
• Connection with the clergy (counseling)
• Adult Engagement programming

Life Cycles and Milestones 
• Plaque dedications
• Baby naming (during Shabbat services)
• Pre-wedding blessing (during Shabbat services)
* Funerals
Shiva Minyan
• Unveilings
• Weddings
• Other off-site events

• Donor acknowledgements
• Two tickets to the Annual Gala
• Two High Holy Day Guest Tickets
• Membership in both Brotherhood and Friend of a Friend
• ARZA and Joy of Shabbat donations



LEV BENEFACTOR TIER includes all the LEV CHAMPION tier benefits:

All worship including
• High Holy Day tickets for all members of your household, including children 30 years old and younger
• Connection with the clergy (counseling)
• Adult Engagement programming

Life Cycles and Milestones 
• Plaque dedications
• Baby naming (during Shabbat services)
• Pre-wedding blessing (during Shabbat services)
* Funerals
Shiva Minyan
• Unveilings
• Weddings
• Other off-site events

• Donor acknowledgements
• Two tickets to the Annual Gala
• Four High Holy Day Guest Tickets
• Membership in both Brotherhood and Friend of a Friend
• ARZA and Joy of Shabbat donations

• Gala Sponsorship valued at $500
• High Holy Days parking spot
Mezuzah and clergy blessing



LEV VISIONARY TIER includes all the LEV BENEFACTOR tier benefits:

All worship including
• High Holy Day tickets for all members of your household, including children 30 years old and younger
• Connection with the clergy (counseling)
• Adult Engagement programming

Life Cycles and Milestones 
• Plaque dedications
• Baby naming (during Shabbat services)
• Pre-wedding blessing (during Shabbat services)
* Funerals
Shiva Minyan
• Unveilings
• Weddings
• Other off-site events

• Donor acknowledgements
• Two tickets to the Annual Gala
• Four High Holy Day Guest Tickets
• Membership in both Brotherhood and Friend of a Friend
• ARZA and Joy of Shabbat donations
• Gala Sponsorship valued at $500
• High Holy Days parking spot
Mezuzah and clergy blessing

Kol Nidre contribution of $3,000
• Gala contribution of $3,000
• Feature article about your household in the SCRIBE


Sun, September 8 2024 5 Elul 5784