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Shabbat Services & Worship Music

Shabbat Hallelu

The first Friday of each month at 6:45pm.

Accompanied by the Hallelu Klezmer Band, the Sanctuary comes alive as Cantors Sergei and Elena Schwartz lead us in song, dance, praise, and worship.

Start your weekend feeling energized and uplifted at Shabbat Hallelu!

"What a wonderful Shabbat Service...I was clapping and singing and truly felt the joy of Shabbat."

Shabbat LaNeshama

The third Friday of each month at 6:45pm.

Talented guitarists Oren Neiman and Dave Solomon join Cantors Sergei and Elena Schwartz for a beautiful, peaceful reprieve from the hectic pace of our lives.

This service of gentle, soothing, and contemplative music will quiet the heart, slow the mind and relax the spirit. Shabbat LaNeshama truly nurtures the soul.

"I had a really rough week and couldn't decide if I felt like coming to services. I came and as I absorbed the liturgy and lovely tunes, I could feel the pent-up stress of the week dissipating..."

Hear Our Cantors' Voices 

1. Ruach (Sh. Carlebach)                    8. V'shamru
2. L'cha Dodi (Sh. Carlebach)             9. Adonai S'fatai (E. Allard)
3. Shalom Aleichem (D. Friedman)     10. Shalom Rav (J. Klepper, D. Freelander)
4. Barchu (R. Nelson)                        11. Mi Sheberach (D. Friedman)
5. Sh'ma (D. Friedman)                     12. Mi Sheberach (C. Taubman)
6. Mi Chamocha (S. Zim)                  13. Birkat Shalom (Sababa)
7. Hashkiveinu (C. Taubman)             14. Yihi'u L'ratzon

Heal Us Now with the Temple Sinai Community Choir(8/25/20)

Choral Festival with Temple Sinai Community Choir(4/22/18)

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785