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Scroll down for a chart detailing membership privileges by tier.

Devotees of Temple Sinai who have children enrolled in Religious School, B'nei Mitzvah, or Teen Programs, from Kindergarten through 12th Grade. This is the minimum level of commitment required, as the cost of these programs are partially subsidized by Temple Sinai.

This tier was previously known as the Family Level.

PLEASE NOTE: Tuition for the Early Childhood Center, Religious School, and Teen Programs is ADDITIONAL and requires separate applications.

Our basic membership for devotees of Temple Sinai.

Those who join at the SUSTAINER tier may upgrade their tier upon request.

For those who belong to another synagogue or live beyond commuting distance (a 60-mile radius) to Temple Sinai. but wish to remain connected to our community.

A reduced-rate membership for devotees of Temple Sinai whose years of temple membership (as the primary or secondary member), PLUS their age equals 100 or more.

For example,  34 years of Temple Sinai membership + 72 years of age = 106 - this person qualifies for the GUARDIAN membership tier.

Devotees of Temple Sinai whose years of temple membership (as the primary or secondary member), PLUS their age equals 100 ore more, and who choose to make a single, one-time payment that qualifies them as Lifetime Members.

The LEV Society membership tiers were created for a unique cadre of our members who are passionate about Temple Sinai's mission and vision; members who are committed to investing in the epicenter of progressive Jewish life on Long Island. We are seeking the involvement of those whose hearts so move them, to catapult our synagogue to the next level. 

Devotees of Temple Sinai, whose dues cover the ACTUAL cost of their  household's engagement in the Temple Sinai community.

Devotees of Temple Sinai whose dues cover the cost of their household's engagement at Temple Sinai AND enable another household to remain as part of our community.

Devotees of Temple Sinai whose contribution secures a meaningful center of Jewish life for future generations.

• The SUSTAINER and SUPPORTER tiers include only lifecycles and milestones that take place during Friday night Shabbat services.

• Should you have the need for clergy services that are not included with the SUSTAINER tier (e.g. officiating at a wedding or funeral), you will be required to step-up to the ADVOCATE tier.
• At the ADVOCATE, GUARDIAN, and PILLAR membership tiers, a facility fee will be assessed for life cycle ceremonies held in either the Sanctuary or the Simcha Room: $500 (Monday-Saturday), $1,000 (Sunday).
• Membership in Brotherhood and Friend of a Friend, as well as ARZA and Joy of Shabbat donations are ADDITIONAL (they are
included in all LEV tier memberships.

BROTHERHOOD: Temple Sinai's men's group offers a 
variety of programs and activities all year long.
FRIEND OF A FRIEND: A dynamic inter-generational group of women, the mission of Friend of a Friend/Chaverot is to provide a social outreach program which will enhance members' connection to the temple and to Judaism.
ARZA (Association of Reform Zionists in America): Support the Reform movement in Israel.
Joy of Shabbat: Enhance all aspects of Shabbat worship, including but not limited to, streaming, flowers, and oneg.

Click here to print a copy of our membership benefits chart.

Learn more about our membership dues by clicking here.

Wed, February 12 2025 14 Sh'vat 5785